
A subject you enjoyed studing this semester.

This semester has been something difficult and very different for everyone. Personally, it has been difficult to study with everything that happens. But a subject that I like to study is the General Chemistry Laboratory. In the classes we seen various types of experiments that are related to the content we saw last semester and part of it, the bad thing is that we will not be able to do these experiments until the quarantine ends. In classes for example we study the preparation of Copper Sulfate, oxidation-reduction reactions and preparation and properties of salts and other things. I like this subject because I find that it is entertaining and very interesting, it is a shame not to be able to study and see everything in person. 

An Expert on your Field

If I could talk about someone I admire it would certainly be Marie Curie. She was born in the year 1867 in Poland and was a pioneering scientist in the field of radioactivity and the first woman to win two Nobel prizes, one in physics in 1903, which was compared to her husband's Pierre Curie and the scientist Henri Becquerel, all three received this award for radiation studies. The second prize was in the area of ​​chemistry in 1911 due to the discovery of two new elements, Radio and Polonium. Her studies and discoveries were very important, although they were very dangerous, since the radiation she was exposed to would harm her long-term health. She finally passed away in 1934. I really like this scientist because she is one of the first to study at school, I remember reading her biography in the chemistry book and I thought she was someone great. She is also one of the people who inspired me the most regarding the career I am currently studying.

A band / singer I like

The music I listen to is very varied in my opinion, but I don't have many favorite artists. I will tell you about an artist that I have been listening to a lot in the last days. His stage name is Joji and he was born in Osaka, Japan in 1992. He has a peculiarity, he was one of the first famous youtubers and creator of the Harlem Shake challenge, and he also has a rather unique humor. He finally gave up his career on YouTube and is currently fully dedicated to music. The music he has produced is largely listed as a mix of lo-fi and trip-hop. His songs are quite varied, some can be with a somewhat catchy rhythm as others can be quite calm and a little melancholic. I really like his musical work because he is always innovating with different sounds and musical styles, I also think he has a very pleasant voice. The song I've listened to the most lately is called Gimme Love and I like it for its rhythm, at first it's quite moving and catchy, then it makes an abrupt change

A photograph I like

 I like to take photos, it is something very entertaining. I love being able to photograph something that I really like but I think my biggest models have been my cats. I introduce them to you, their names are Blanca, Simba and Tom. The truth is that I always take photos of them, they are very cute but these are my favorite photos. I couldn't show just one haha. These photos were taken with my cell phone but I don't remember exactly when I took them, some of them are from last year I think.  In the first photo Tom is showing his best angle, then we see Blanca in her natural habitat, she loves boxes and at the bottom we see Simba on her blanket. I like these photos because they look very nice, I am glad to have them in my life and they are very important for me.

My best friends

I am a person who likes to have long-lasting friends, that is why I have few friends. I consider them special people. In this small group of people I can highlight two great friends, their names are Thiare and Catalina. I met them in 2013, we were classmates and our friendship has lasted until today. We have always been very close even if we don't see each other frequently. When we spend time together we have fun, eat and laugh a lot. They are very special to me because they have always supported and help me in everything I need. One of my favorite memories is when we celebrated Thiare's first birthday together in 2014, Catalina and I gave Thiare a card with many photos of the three of us that she keeps until today.

My favorite piece of technology

I think that technology is very important in these times and this is also related to the study. One of my favorite pieces of technology is my notebook. It was a gift from my grandmother in 2015, she said it would be a great tool to study and she was right. I also use my notebook in my free time to play Plants v/s Zombies and listen to music, it's so funny. I like it because it is very useful and it can be used for various tasks, that is why I use it often.  Right now my life without the notebook would be a little difficult since I have to do homework and test at university. This piece of technology is a great help. 

Why did you choose your career?

When I was child I wanted to be a plant researcher because my grandmother has many plants in the house and I like it.  My career options were biochemistry, chemistry and English translator, I was always interesed in science but also languages. I decided for chemestry career because it was the one that I was selected in.  My experience at university has been varied but I have learned a lot and I have made many friends. I would like to work in a laboratory as a researcher.