An Expert on your Field

If I could talk about someone I admire it would certainly be Marie Curie.

She was born in the year 1867 in Poland and was a pioneering scientist in the field of radioactivity and the first woman to win two Nobel prizes, one in physics in 1903, which was compared to her husband's Pierre Curie and the scientist Henri Becquerel, all three received this award for radiation studies. The second prize was in the area of ​​chemistry in 1911 due to the discovery of two new elements, Radio and Polonium. Her studies and discoveries were very important, although they were very dangerous, since the radiation she was exposed to would harm her long-term health. She finally passed away in 1934.

I really like this scientist because she is one of the first to study at school, I remember reading her biography in the chemistry book and I thought she was someone great. She is also one of the people who inspired me the most regarding the career I am currently studying.


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