A band / singer I like

The music I listen to is very varied in my opinion, but I don't have many favorite artists. I will tell you about an artist that I have been listening to a lot in the last days.

His stage name is Joji and he was born in Osaka, Japan in 1992. He has a peculiarity, he was one of the first famous youtubers and creator of the Harlem Shake challenge, and he also has a rather unique humor. He finally gave up his career on YouTube and is currently fully dedicated to music.

The music he has produced is largely listed as a mix of lo-fi and trip-hop. His songs are quite varied, some can be with a somewhat catchy rhythm as others can be quite calm and a little melancholic. I really like his musical work because he is always innovating with different sounds and musical styles, I also think he has a very pleasant voice.

The song I've listened to the most lately is called Gimme Love and I like it for its rhythm, at first it's quite moving and catchy, then it makes an abrupt change and ends as a ballad. Also the video clip is interesting.

I will leave the link to the video in case you want to see it hehe.


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